Cristina De Prada
Cristina De PradaMilliner

Cristina de Prada, an acclaimed couture milliner based in Barcelona, is renowned for her exceptional talent and creativity in the world of hat design. As the founder of the Barcelona Hat Stroll, she has played a pivotal role in promoting the artistry and craftsmanship of millinery.

In 2018, Cristina achieved a milestone in her career by winning the prestigious Coup de Coeur award at the “Rencontres Internationales des Arts du Chapeau” in Chazelles-sur-Lyon for her extraordinary hat design, Head in the Clouds.

The year 2022 brought another honor to Cristina, as the Generalitat of Catalonia bestowed upon her the Master Craftsman diploma, recognizing her expertise and dedication to the art of hat making.

In 2023, Cristina demonstrated her innovative prowess by winning the Dutch Hat Association Competition with her design, Open Wings. The competition’s theme, Foldable Follies, challenged participants to create a hat that would unfold from a compact 40 x 40 x 10 cm box.

As Barcelona Hat Stroll marks its 20th year, it stands as a testament to Cristina’s enduring passion for millinery. Co-founded by Cristina and fellow milliner Nina Pawlowsky, the Hat Stroll has become a celebrated event in the world of fashion. The upcoming La Passejada amb Barret de Barcelona, Barcelona Hat Stroll is scheduled for Sunday, April 7, 2024.

Barcelona Hat Days, an integral part of the millinery calendar, first hosted in April 2023 and it will be hosted again in 2024 on Friday, April 5, and Saturday, April 6. What wonderful weekend to be in Barcelona!

For more information about the Barcelona Hat Stroll, visit

To discover more about Barcelona Hat Days and secure your booking, visit

Cristina De Prada

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Hat Blocks Australia, Judith M Millinery Supply House, House of Adorn, Hats by Leko, B Unique Millinery, HatMags, Lifted Millinery, Hatters Millinery SuppliesLouise Macdonald Milliner, The Hat Academy and Millinery Australia.

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Cristina De Prada Gallery

Barcelona Hat Stroll Gallery

Images provides with thanks to Xavi Torrents and La Mirada de Kala