A year following the acclaim received for her comprehensive fashion reference, “The Mode in Costume,” R. Turner Wilcox decided to focus on a singular and chic category deserving of an in-depth exploration. The result is an extraordinary handbook that delves into the worldwide evolution of hats, hairstyles, and headdress spanning nearly five thousand years for both men and women. From ancient times, hats and headgear have served purposes ranging from adornment and protection to establishing social rank. Featuring hundreds of illustrations and captivating text, this comprehensive survey spans from 3000 B.C. to the mid-twentieth century.

This showcase offers a breathtaking array of women’s styles, including Egyptian headdresses, Spanish mantillas, French straw sailor hats, buckle-trimmed tam-o-shanters, wedding veils, bonnets, snoods, and jeweled crowns. Men’s headwear encompasses feather-trimmed turbans, soldiers’ helmets, cowboy hats, top hats, derbies, boaters, berets, sombreros, and Homburgs. The exploration of hairstyles is equally diverse, featuring ringlets, topknots, spit curls, ponytails, pageboys, poodle cuts, pompadours, mutton chops, and crew cuts.

Beyond headwear and hairstyles, the handbook provides delightful details on jewelry, cosmetics, and beauty treatments. A unique and cherished reference, this book appeals to fashion designers, stylists, and historians, offering a rich tapestry of historical and cultural insights into the world of fashion spanning millennia.

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