2024 Seize the day Carpe Diem

First Place: Josemieke Crebolder
Second Place: Mirjam van der Welle
Third Place: Niki Bierling
2023 Ingenious folds/ Foldable Follies

First Place: Cristina de Prada
Second Place: Lauren Ritchie
Third Place: Suzanne Jonker of Zoo Creatief
2022 ‘Vintage with a twist’!

2021 Waste not, want not

2020 Heavenly Hats

2019 City Styles

First Place: Arjan Schippers
Second Place: Marjam De Rijke
Third Place: Antje Luke
2018 The Flying Dutchman

First Place: Arjan Schippers
Second Place: Meta Leefkens
Third Place: Fay Partridge
2017 ‘Unlock your Block!’

First Place: Arjan Schippers
Second Place: Meta Leefkens
Third Place: Céline Evrard
2016 ‘Classic, Cocktail or Trendy’

First Place: Piet van Manen
Second Place:
Third Place: